your flat tummy back after pregnancy, every women wishes she regains her flat
tummy once she has delivered not that it is impossible, you can definitely
achieve your post pregnancy look but it takes a lot of time and loads and loads
of efforts. To a great extent how disciplined you have been with yourself
during pregnancy decides how long it will take to get your flat tummy back.
Women who have been very active and followed a good exercise regime and a
strict diet plan and have included loads of nutrition in their diet will
definitely get back to shape faster.
On the contrary women who have been lazy with their exercise regime and also
have been negligent about their food and have eaten everything except health
food will definitely take longer to get back to shape. After your delivery you
loose about 12 to 15 pounds that includes your baby weight the blood loss,
amniotic fluids. So your baby pouch has already started getting down all you
now need to do it get it into shape. Once home after your delivery please don't
rush and jump on the walker or the gym or get into the crazy fad of starting
your weight loss, no it's wrong you will do more badly to yourself than good.
Go slow we know you need to loose weight but gradually and healthily is the
right way.
Breast feeding your baby is the best way to loose all the abdomen weight as the
more and more you breast feed the more the uterus contracts and starts getting
back to its shape. To a great extent weight loss has a lot to do with your
metabolism many tend to loose weight even without working for it and some even
with all their effort do not loose weight as fast as the others.
If you are a nursing mom please do not even think of starting a diet plan
instead start eating even more healthier foods for you and your baby's
nourishment. Healthy foods mean right amount of carbohydrates proteins, sugar's
fats and multi-vitamins.
You must be wondering how sugar and fat let me explain sugar's that you get
from fruits are natural sugar's and are essential for your baby's growth and
your nourishment too, and fats i mean healthy fat that you get from eating your
dairy products and curtains oils like olive oil and canola oil these oils give
healthy fats to the body like omega3 and are essential even when you want to
loose weight.
Getting your shape back is going to be an uphill task but it will happen if you
work hard and work in discipline. Eating good nutrition foods, eating your food
by dividing it in many portions rather than just 3 meals is a better way to
eat. Drink lots and lots of fluids and for sure do not miss out on your calcium
intake having a glass of milk is vital for your body. Have at least 6 to 7 liters
of water you can also include fruit juices, coconut water and green tea in your
diet all good for your system. Avoid coffee as if your breast feeding caffeine
should be avoided.
Start a simple work out regime begin with walking, and once your baby has grown
you can also join the gym but I will always recommend walking and yoga over gymming.
Weightless happens and so will you regain your flat post pregnancy tummy just
be patient and love yourself at every stage
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